Saturday, April 24, 2010

Apple Cart

Apple Cart is a new website selling handmade goodies from designers across Australia. There are products for babies, children and adults - from clothing and accessories to homewares. Click on the image below to have a look:

A limited range of Goosey Gander products are available for sale at Apple Cart - my first foray into the world of online selling.
Happy shopping!
Mama Goose

My sewing space

Sewing time has become somewhat of a limited commodity around here of late. I miss the days that Miss Goosey would happily lie on the floor (without attempting to run off with my scissors, or play with my pins) while I cut out fabric. She slept for hours at a time, several times a day, and on The Gander's childcare day I was free to sew all day.

But things have changed. Miss Goosey is now *gasp* a toddler. And she is already showing interest in all things sewing..... particularly my scissors and pins. So sewing is something that only happens when both children are in bed at night.

On the up side, I have a lovely new sewing desk. It has room for my machine and my overlocker, and they both fit into the cupboards underneath to make packing up quick and easy. Mr Hen Pecked is happy that our dining table is no longer constantly covered in sewing things. And we can actually sit there to eat meals occasionally.

The draws of my new desk are not childproof though, so I have to be careful about what I store in there. Miss Goosey and The Gander love to pull out my ribbon box and decorate themselves (and the house) with lovely strings of colour. And this morning they discovered a new game:

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I was just a little bit excited to be heading out to have my first look at Shop Handmade this morning. Mr Hen Pecked even seemed to be looking forward to it. Although The Gander was somewhat disappointed to discover there would be no power tools and workmen there any more.

There are a lot of words I could use to describe Shop Handmade, but I think 'divine' sums it up best. I was expecting the Shop to look pretty schmick, but I was still overwhelmed by just how beautiful it was! The white fittings, furniture and display items give it a serene feel (well, that was until Miss Goosey started running riot and attempting to help herself to the 'pretties' in the jewellery cabinet). The feature wallpaper glammed things up a bit (and made me wish I had been brave enough to give it a go in our dining room). And the many, many products from the designers made it a treasure trove of handmade gorgeousness.

Of course, I couldn't visit without buying just one or two things. Miss Goosey did well as usual, with a cute little dress from Posie Patchwork. A lovely necklace from Rancho for a birthday present. And a treat from The Curious Chocolatier for Mr Hen Pecked and I to nibble on just as soon as I finish this blog post.......

If you haven't yet been to Shop Handmade, then there are plenty of photos for you to drool over on the Shop Handmade blog. And you can also check out the Posie Patchwork blog for some photos of Goosey Gander products in the Shop (see the photo fourth row down, on the left).

A huge congratulations to Rachel, Julie and the team - I hope you are proud of your efforts in creating such an amazing store.

Mama Goose

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Handmade Heaven

I have been meaning to come in and tell you all about Handmade Market, but it's taken me a while to float back down from cloud nine......

Wow! Wow! Wow! Handmade Market was a marvellous day! So many stalls, so many gorgeous things, so many customers, and so many people who chose to take something home from Goosey Gander and Flibbertgibbet.

I did manage to squeeze in a little shopping of my own, including a gorgeous Bloss Doll for Miss Goosey.

And as if the success of Handmade Market wasn't enough, my wonderful husband (who we shall call Mr Hen Pecked), convinced me to apply for Shop Handmade. I'm very excited to be part of such a unique store in Canberra - a place where you can find handmade products from a range of designers, six days of the week.

I wonder if Mr Hen Pecked will regret his involvement, when I chain myself to the sewing machine over the coming days, to generate enough stock for the grand opening of Shop Handmade on Friday 16th April?

Mama Goose